Twit Awards for the Week 2/26/24

Twit Awards for the Week 2/26/24

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Governor Spencer Cox.

Governor Spencer Cox of Utah was speaking at an event to promote his own “Disagree Better” initiative which aims to improve political discussions. At this event, he was asked how he could “disagree better” with transgender people. He said he had invited them to meet with himself and legislators, which prompted the question whether that is enough to prevent them committing suicide. Governor Cox insisted that no one in his state had committed suicide due to the lack of gender-affirming care, then said, “I want these kids to be successful, and I think there’s a better way to do it than having genital mutilation surgeries before they’re 18.” First, few get bottom surgery before the age of 18. Secondly, there are much less loaded terms than “genital mutilation surgery” For failing in his own efforts to “disagree better,” Governor Spencer Cox gets a Twit Award. Axios has this story.

Baroness Diana Barran

Baroness Diana Barran, a member of the House of Lords who is part of the Conservative party’s caucus, said that children should be discouraged from transitioning until they are in their “late 20’s.” This delay would cause tremendous mental anguish to transgender youth, and likely would result in many suicides. But, she insists, this would mean that “the decision-making part of their brain-the prefrontal cortex-will be fully developed.” While waiting for the prefrontal cortex to develop, puberty would have taken its course, which would make it much harder to look like the sex with which one identifies. She seems to still be willing to let people marry before their “pre-frontal cortex will be fully developed.” For misusing science to delay a gender transition, Baroness Diana Barran gets a Twit Award. This story can be found in PinkNews.

CPAC happened this weekend, and as you might expect, several of the speakers went all-in on the anti-transgender rhetoric. They repeated the usual lies about children getting gender confirmation surgery, which has never been documented to happen. Everyone who shared in the hyperbole and the out-and-out lies shares a Twit Award. The Catholic News Agency has this story.

Non-binary Morph.

X-Men ‘97 is coming out in March. In it, Morph is back, even though the character died in the first episode of the previous X-Men series. Oh, and Morph is now non-binary, and uses they/them pronouns. This was announced over a year and a half ago, but it is nonetheless the source of tremendous outrage among the anti-trans sources. For getting all worked up over the gender identity of a character in a cartoon based on a comic book, and for tardiness, all those bellyaching over Morph’s gender identity get a Twit Award. This story comes from Them.

Georgia state Senator Carden Summers was talking to an eight-year-old girl named Alexis, who asked him to keep her safe in school. He is the lead sponsor of a bill which would ban transgender children from using the restroom at school which matches their gender identity. When he found out she is transgender, he just walked away from her. For failing to listen to someone who is directly impacted by the legislation he proposes, state Senator Carden Summers gets a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.

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Category: Transgender Opinion


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