Twit Awards for the Week 11/20/23

Twit Awards for the Week 11/20/23

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We reported last week that the Sherman Independent School District Board had forbidden a trans boy, Max Hightower, from playing the part of Curly in the play Oklahoma. This week, we have an update. The Board voted unanimously to allow Max Hightower to play the part of Curly. CNN has this story.

Steph Richards, a trans woman, took the job as CEO of Endometriosis South Coast, a small charity which raises money to help people with tissue similar to womb lining in places other than the lining of the womb. This is a condition unique to cisgender women and trans men, so a trans woman does not have this condition. However, many a person who heads a charity does not have the condition that the charity deals with. Jerry Lewis raised money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, but neither he nor any family member has muscular dystrophy. For not applying the same standard for trans women that apply to cis people, these critics get a Twit Award. This story comes from PinkNews.

Four women who began a gender transition and then returned to the female gender they were assigned at birth are now suing the doctors who prescribed their treatments. According to Baptist News Global, they are clients of a new law firm, Campbell Miller Payne, which specializes in “individuals in the detransitioner community pursuing claims for health care related injuries.” Roughly 2% to 3% of those who begin a gender transition detransition, including those who experienced healthcare difficulties, as well as those who met significant resistance from family or difficulties in their careers. For rushing to sue doctors for their willingness to listen to their patients and take the patients’ word at face value, these detransitioners and their lawyers get a Twit Award.

Once again, as Transgender Day of Remembrance approaches, someone with little knowledge of statistics attempts to show that being transgender does not make one more likely to be a victim of violence. It is true that Britain does not have as many incidents as some other nations do, but still, Britain certainly is not leading the world in the acceptance of trans people. (This week, PinkNews ran a story about how difficult it is for transgender women in Britain.) Beyond bad statistics, the author of the particular editorial in Spiked complains about how rather than being discriminated against, trans people are doing the discriminating. For projection, and for fighting for her right to discriminate, the author of this particular piece gets a Twit Award.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced an amendment to an appropriations bill, trying to reduce the salary for Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine to one dollar. She described the intent of the bill by saying that it aims to “reduce, no castrate” the Secretary’s salary “in the same way he [sic] supports castrating children who suffer from gender dysphoria.” Moreover, 170 Republicans in the House voted for the amendment. (46 Republicans voted against the amendment.) For weaponizing the budget process for political purposes, and for misinformation about transgender people, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene gets a Twit Award, which she shares with everyone who voted for the amendment. Newsweek has this story.

Recently, ChatGPT wrote a piece in something a style similar to that of the Gospels, depicting a scene in which Jesus supported trans rights. It wasn’t really a Bible story, and the writing style was not quite Biblical, but it was a decent attempt. Gays Against Groomers, a far-right group known for their anti-transgender sentiments, has been complaining because they asked ChatGPT to make a social media post complaining about gender-affirming care as trapping young people in a medical nightmare that it is difficult to escape from. The AI refused the task, saying that it “promotes harm.” For insisting that the artificial program should indeed promote harm, and for attempting to use the program to cause harm, Gays Against Groomers gets a Twit Award. This story comes from The Advocate.

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will feature a number of entertainers, including Justin David Sullivan, a non-binary singer who is currently appearing in the Broadway show & Juliet, and Alex Newell, a non-binary performer from the Broadway musical Shucked. The presence of these two non-binary performers was enough for One Million Moms to complain that the entire parade is “woke” and “liberal nonsense.” For complaining that others do not share your desire to discriminate against transgender and gender-nonconforming people, One Million Moms and others who complain about these non-binary performers get a Twit Award. Newsweek has this story.

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