Tim Scott is getting deep fried over his latest greasy photo op

Tim Scott is getting deep fried over his latest greasy photo op

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Tim Scott

Tim Scott is a regular guy. That means when the South Carolina senator and lackluster Republican presidential candidate is on the road, he likes to stop at Mickey D’s.

That’s short for McDonald’s, a great American institution that Scott definitely loves!

Here he is eating some french fries.

While Scott “spotted the Golden Arches,” people online spotted a real phony!

There is a troubling trend of milquetoast GOP presidential candidates pandering to the masses via staged stops at fast-food restaurants.

Earlier this year, Mike Pence stopped at a New Hampshire Dunkin’ Donuts, and posed for a pic in a seemingly empty store.

But hey: at least that’s better than pretending to pump gas

But back to Scott, who’s polling at 2.5% nationally. The anti-gay candidate is running an old school Republican campaign, focused on championing social conservatism and big business.

On Tuesday, Scott implied he would fire striking autoworkers.

No word on whether he made another trip to McDonald’s afterwards. So relatable!

As a senator, Scott has compiled a long anti-LGBTQ+ track record. He was one of 21 Senate Republicans who urged the GOP to oppose the Respect for Marriage act, and introduced legislation that would cut funding for elementary and middle schools that change a student’s pronouns without receiving consent from their parents.

In the past, he’s said homosexuality is “a morally wrong choice, just like adultery.”

This is who they’re selling as a reasonable Republican these days, by the way…

In recent weeks, Scott, who’s not married, has been dogged with questions about his dating life. He said over the weekend he’s dating a “lovely Christian girl.”

Maybe he can treat her to a Big Mac? You know, just like a regular American!


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