The new era of ‘Cartas pra Pepita’ premieres on Terra: the art of transforming conversations into celebration

The new era of ‘Cartas pra Pepita’ premieres on Terra: the art of transforming conversations into celebration

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In a media landscape where representation is often diluted in favor of commercial appeal, “Cartas pra Pepita” stands out as a bastion of authenticity and inclusion. The new season, unfolding under the spotlight of Terra from this Wednesday, November 8th, it’s not just a continuation of a successful series; it’s the consecration of talent and determination of Pepita, an artist who has become a trailblazing icon and a source of inspiration in the LGBTQ+ community.

Pepita - Photo: Disclosure/Terra
Pepita – Photo: Disclosure/Terra

The journey leading up to the launch of this new phase is filled with nuances and personal discoveries. As the editor-in-chief, I was invited to cover the behind-the-scenes of the show and experienced a tapestry of emotions, from the unexpected recognition of Grag Queen in the lobby, stripped of her character, to the encounter with Pepita, whose presence transforms the day of the week into a vibrant celebration of existence. The odyssey to reach the studio, with its stairs and elevators in a skyscraper on Avenida Berrini, mirrors Pepita’s journey: a climb that challenges barriers, both physical and symbolic.

The Terra studio, equipped with six robotic 4k cameras, serves as the backdrop where Pepita, with her genuineness and charisma, reveals the various facets of her personality. The absence of scripts or teleprompters underscores the authenticity of her improvisation; each episode is a celebration of life in its purest form. “It has a structure that I believe is worthy of my talent and what I stand for. And it’s a show that deserves to be treated with a lot of care; it’s my little baby”, the presenter takes pride in it.

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The new “Cartas pra Pepita” is divided into three segments: reading letters, the new segment called “Fala, povo!” (Speak, people!), and interviews with guests. The show, which will be widely distributed on Terra‘s and Pepita‘s social media platforms, starts with the classic reading of a fan letter, addressing dilemmas about romantic relationships, family, career, dreams, and many other topics that resonate with all of us. Next, the host takes the central theme of the letter for discussion with the invited personalities, right from the couch in Terra’s studios. To enrich the conversation, reporter Roberto Bete brings the public’s opinions from the streets about the topics discussed during the show.

Pepita’s favorite segment, “Fala Povo!” (Speak, People!), is a testament to the unshakable connection she maintains with her audience. It’s a window into the empathy and affection that flow from the streets to the studio, reaffirming that despite the distance mediated by technology, human connection prevails.

“I love ‘Fala Povo!’ I love knowing that people on the street have a tremendous affection for me and my show. And I love knowing that people stop to talk to my reporter and always leave a message of love for me. So, it’s very nice to know that people follow me through a phone screen and have the pleasure of talking to me on a huge screen, which is the show”, Pepita says.

The selection of guests for this new season of “Cartas pra Pepita” reflects a commitment to diversity and social education. Pepita emphasizes the importance of choosing personalities who resonate with the spirit of the show and who understand the seriousness of issues with dignity.

“We always worry about those guests who have said something foolish, those guests who don’t know what respect is, what racism is, what transphobia is, what it means to have a transgender host of a show that talks about love and relationships. That’s our only concern. The rest is a touch of humor, affection, and a little scolding for those who deserve it”, the artist states.

The presence of guests in each episode promises to enrich the dialogue and challenge the perspectives of the audience: “All the guests were very surprising. Bruna Gonçalves, Aline Torres (Municipal Secretary of Culture of São Paulo), Esse Menino, and a few surprises that I can’t reveal. It was wonderful to make people feel comfortable and exchange ideas, like swapping stickers to create a cool album. For me and for the guests too”.

“Cartas pra Pepita” has already made its way to YouTube, become a book, and now it joins the editorial brand “Nós” of Terra, a content hub that addresses and discusses topics related to diversity, gender issues, race, LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, the 50+ audience, and indigenous populations.” “Having Pepita on Terra, further strengthening the ‘Nós’ vertical, shows how aligned we are with our role as an inclusive and diverse platform. This partnership starts off strong, and we are confident it will be a success in terms of viewership”, comments Manoela Pereira, Head of Content at Terra.

Pepita’s dream for the future of “Cartas” is as grand as her talent: she aspires to take the show to the stage, aiming for an even more direct and tangible interaction with her audience. “I dream of soaring, making an impact, growing, evolving, and stepping onto a theater stage, to hear your story live and respond in my own way”, reveals Priscila Nogueira, currently 40 years old.

Pepita - Photo: Disclosure/Terra
Pepita – Photo: Disclosure/Terra

In a time of political and social transformations, Pepita envisions a future where the LGBTQ+ community moves forward with determined steps, strengthening itself through creativity and resilience, especially after the 2022 elections.

“I think this year, some things have changed. Some things have improved. This year, we are crawling and getting our knees scraped. I believe that next year, we will start walking. Strengthening ourselves without needing a walker”, reflects the mother of the little Lucca Antonio, who is one year old.

The analogy of the “mother” phase with the “crawling” part of this interview is particularly poetic and meaningful; the words resonate with a promise of growth and strength, painting an optimistic outlook for the future of the community and the program. Just like a mother witnesses her child’s uncertain first steps, Pepita watches the LGBTQ+ community find its place and voice in a sometimes hostile environment.

“I think the LGBTQ+ community – and more and more letters may appear – we are people who are, in fact, surrounded by motivation. Everything, for us, has to inspire us and make us believe. If we believe in love, if we believe in living, if we believe in the word resistance, renewing, for us, it is part of our vocabulary”,reflects the singer.

This creative energy is a reflection of the very essence of “Cartas pra Pepita”, which reinvents itself to reflect and celebrate the many colors of the human spectrum. The new season is a manifesto of life, an invitation to embrace diversity and celebrate existence in all its forms, especially in the way it reflects the journey of a community that, like a crawling child, is learning to stand firm and walk confidently in a world that is still adapting to its vibrant and undeniable presence.

As the new season unfolds, the audience can expect not only authentic entertainment but also a space for dialogue, learning, and celebration. It is a platform where diversity is not only accepted but celebrated; where representation is not just a mere detail but the pulsating heart of the program. “Cartas pra Pepita” is destined to be more than just a successful show – it is a cultural movement, a beacon, and a symbol of everything we can achieve when we embrace who we are with courage, love, and a touch of fabulousness.

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