Links in Trans News Now will open in this window. To return to this page use the Back button on your browser. If the link opens in a new tab, close the tab to return to this page. The inaugural Gender Liberation Marcch was held last Saturday in Washington, D.C. There were speakers, and a […]

Este artigo também está disponível em: Português Last Saturday (20), in an interview with journalist Sofia Cerqueira from Veja magazine, presenter Pedro Andrade, known for his work on “Manhattan Connection” and “Pedro pelo Mundo“, spoke about his journey to become a father through a surrogate mother. He and his husband, Benjamin Parker Thigpen, chose the […]

Michael Jordan is watching, and you’re wearing the wrong pair of briefs! While Jordan’s partnership with Nike revolutionized athlete endorsement deals–and was the subject of a major motion picture–the all-time great enjoyed a multi-decade relationship with another iconic American brand. For 32 years, Jordan was the face of Hanes underwear, starring in ads alongside celebrities […]

TGIF! We’ve made it to the weekend again! A lot happened this week. Here are some of the highlights… CLOSET DOOR BUSTDOWN 1: The Upshaws star Jermelle Simon came out as gay: “I have decided that I am enough.” [Read more] CLOSET DOOR BUSTDOWN 2: Former Nickelodeon & S.W.A.T star Carlo Arrechea came out as bisexual: […]

Nesta terça-feira (08), um casal lésbico de Salvador conquistou o direito à licença-maternidade para ambas as mães após uma decisão favorável do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da Bahia (TRT-BA). A resolução divulgada considerou discriminatória a negação do pedido à mãe não gestante. Entenda o caso A ação foi movida por uma das mães, uma médica que […]

All of the girls are girling! As Katy Perry once hinted (although perhaps Cher did it even better?), it’s undeniably a woman’s world, and this week’s “Bop After Bop” is here to prove it. With the gayest new releases from our favorite queer and allied girlies, you’re all set to kick off your weekend right. […]

Em entrevista exclusiva para a Revista Quem, veiculada na última sexta-feira (11), a influenciadora e ex-musa da “Banheira do Gugu“, Luiza Ambiel, 52 anos, revelou que se identifica como bissexual. A descoberta aconteceu enquanto gravava conteúdos adultos com outras mulheres para plataformas 18+. Ex-musa da ‘Banheira do Gugu’, Luiza Ambiel fala sobre bissexualidade e sucesso […]

Este artigo também está disponível em: Português English Madonna está a punto de ser reconocido oficialmente como carioca. El concejal César Maia (PSD-RJ) ha propuesto un proyecto de decreto legislativo en este sentido, que se someterá próximamente a votación en la Cámara Municipal de Río de Janeiro. La información es de la Folha de S.Paulo. […]

Image Credit: ‘Dawson’s Creek,’ Warner Bros. Television Every third Thursday in October marks Spirit Day, where we take a stand against bullying for LGBTQ+ youth around the world. You can usually expect some of our biggest queer stars and most outspoken allies to don their best purple attire and speak out for the community to […]

Nesta quinta-feira (03), o ex-participante do MasterChef Brasil, Helton Oliveira, anunciou seu relacionamento com o influenciador Vitor Barreto. O casal, que está junto há mais de três anos, decidiu tornar público o namoro através de um vídeo compartilhado em suas redes sociais durante uma viagem às Maldivas. Helton Oliveira e Vitor Barreto anunciam publicamente namoro […]

Help make sure LGBTQ+ stories are being told… We can’t rely on mainstream media to tell our stories. That’s why we don’t lock Queerty articles behind a paywall. Will you support our mission with a contribution today? Cancel anytime · Proudly LGBTQ+ owned and operated source

The internet is flooded with dating horror stories. But how about the happy endings? A positive-minded Redditer recently asked successful couples about the secrets to their long-term happiness. While specific answers varied, there were commonalities in nearly every response. The most popular reply, from someone who’s been coupled for 33 years, cites three basic rules: […]