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Last Saturday (20), in an interview with journalist Sofia Cerqueira from Veja magazine, presenter Pedro Andrade, known for his work on “Manhattan Connection” and “Pedro pelo Mundo“, spoke about his journey to become a father through a surrogate mother.
He and his husband, Benjamin Parker Thigpen, chose the process in the United States, where it is legal and follows strict regulations. Isabel, the couple’s daughter, was born on January 26 in Hawaii, through the surrogate Whitney Caskey.

Pedro’s desire to become a father has always been present in his life. “The desire to be a father precedes almost everything in my life. Even before choosing my profession, understanding my sexual orientation, or moving to New York, I had this plan “, he started. He and Benjamin discussed having children on their first date, 16 years ago, but decided to postpone due to the demands of their careers. “Three years ago, we decided it was time“, he says.
Surrogate mother
Pedro learned more about the surrogacy process while filming a program on the topic. “I got to know agencies, interview women who have carried children in this way, and help demystify the prejudice“, he recalls. According to the presenter, in the United States, the practice requires candidates to undergo psychological evaluations and have had at least two pregnancies. The cost of the process can range from $50,000 to $250,000.

During the pregnancy, Pedro and Benjamin attended all the ultrasounds and grew closer to Whitney, the woman who carried Isabel.”She is someone I want to have around for the rest of my life. During the pregnancy, we attended all the ultrasounds and grew closer. She is a strong, inspiring woman with unmatched generosity “, Pedro said. According to him, at the time of the birth, he and his husband were present, along with her husband “all of us were overcome with immense emotion. My eyes well up just thinking about it “.
The presenter also addressed curiosities and misconceptions about surrogacy. He explained that, in the United States, the women who participate in the process “do not have a genetic link to the baby“, as donor eggs are used for in vitro fertilization. Pedro and Benjamin know the source of the biological material but decided not to disclose this information for now. “There’s an absurd idea that one is more or less of a parent because of this, but for us, she’s our daughter, period“, he emphasizes
Mix of emotions
Pedro reported that, despite preparing through reading and conversations, nothing compared to the real experience of becoming a father. He mentioned that Isabel’s arrival intensified all aspects of his life, increasing both happiness and concerns. “Two days after arriving home, we rushed to the pediatrician because, in my mind, she was sleeping too much. I find it funny now, but we were really worried. She was fine; it was just the normal sleep pattern of a newborn “, Remember.

Pedro Andrade and Benjamin Parker Thigpen are thrilled with the arrival of Isabel but plan to have more children in the future, again through surrogacy. “We are completely fulfilled with Isabel, but we plan to have more children. With the help of another surrogate, for sure “.
Pedro Andrade e Benjamin Thigpen comemoram chegada de filha via barriga solidária
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