Twit Awards for the Week 7/10/23

Twit Awards for the Week 7/10/23

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Renton Sinclair is a 23-year-old transgender male, who is profiled by PinkNews. His mother, Tania Joy Gibson, is frequently seen with former General Michael Flynn at public appearances, where she makes wild accusations about transgender people. She has put her transgender son through conversion therapy. She uses his experience to boost her own cred to people who are incredibly opposed to transgender rights. For failing her son, for subjecting her son to a therapy which is known to not produce the results she thinks it will, and for then boasting about how she uses the therapy that does not work, Tania Joy Gibson gets a Twit Award.

A story in The Advocate introduces us to a group with the ironic name, “Do No Harm.” They claim to be a “diverse group of physicians, health care professionals, medical students, patients, and policymakers” who aim to “protect healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology.” They are behind the bans on gender-affirming care, which they say is “unscientific and individually harmful,” despite repeated studies that show it produces better results than the treatments they endorse. They claim that, “Underlying mental health problems are not addressed,” despite the fact that mental health is a part of gender-affirming care, and that the American Psychological Association endorses gender-affirming care. For ignoring studies which come to a conclusion that disagrees with their preconceived theory, and for working to undermine every major medical group on medical matters, Do No Harm gets a Twit Award.

Shortly after Kimbrady Carricker was arrested in connection with the mass shooting in Philadelphia on July 4, several conservative news sites reported that he is a trans woman. Online photos of Carricker dressed as a woman led to those reports. Fox News said Carricker identifies as male but that didn’t stop comments from the like of Eric Bolling and Sebastian Gorka of Newsmax from noticing a “trend” of “transgender attackers,” when in fact, they are spreading misinformation. (Media Matters For America has this story.) For using false information to sully the reputation of transgender people, Eric Bolling, Sebastian Gorka, and others who rush to blame transgender people for the shootings despite their lack of involvement get a Twit Award.

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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.


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