A transgender student, whose name was withheld even from legal filings, was told that she could not wear a dress to her graduation from Harrison Central High School in Mississippi. Worse, she was told to follow the male dress code, which consists of white shirt, black pants, and black shoes. According to the lawsuit, she wore dresses to school and to the prom. For suddenly demanding she change gender at the time of graduation, outing herself to classmates at the end of her time in high school, the Harrison County School Board gets a Twit Award. The Clarion-Ledger has this story.
David Richardson, a tenured instructor at Maderna Community College in California, is now the subject of a review for a hostile workplace environment because of an incident in which he brought Jeremy’s Candy to an open house. The labels of the candies have the pronouns “He/Him” and the words “with nuts,” or the pronouns “She/Her” with the words “without nuts.” He now complains that he is being investigated for this “joke,” which was certainly of a style of humor well below the maturity level expected of college-level students, much less instructors. He is complaining about intrusion on his “free speech,” but this was not a part of a class lesson, nor was this in response to someone else bringing up the subject. For complaining about the consequences he should have at least retrospectively seen as likely to follow from these actions, David Richardson gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
The culture warriors of the right are getting tired of protesting Bud Light, which seems to have received their message. In response, their new target is the animated series The Transformers, which features a non-binary character, called Nightshade. The character is a transformer, which means that it is a car which becomes a monster-like being. For the record, cars do not have genders. For getting all upset that a genderless object has no gender and likes having no gender, the people raising this outrage get a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
Dr. Peter McCullough made a name for himself by recommending such treatments as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as preventatives for COVID-19. Now, he is part of the ReAwaken America tour which is appearing at Trump National Doral Miami hotel. He is telling his audience that vaccines are linked to autism, a statement which leaves a cause-and-effect impression in many who hear it. He then mentions that autism is linked to “transgenderism,” leaving the impression of a second causal link. While autistic people are more frequently diagnosed with gender dysphoria than are people without autism. it is not that one causes the other, the evidence of causation is lacking. For implying that “transgenderism” can be prevented by allowing preventable diseases to return, and for suggesting that the return of these preventable diseases would be better than gender dysphoria, Dr. Peter McCullough gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
Lauren Boebert sent out a tweet which began, “Wishing all the moms out there a beautiful Mother’s Day!” She then deliberately took the message into a provocative area, adding, “So many try to erase the impact of moms these days — calling us “birthing people” and “people with uteruses” – but we know the truth. Ignore that noise and stay focused on what matters.” By veering off message in order to mention these terms, she herself is losing focus. Further, the term “people with uteruses” does not apply to mothers, as several people have uteruses but have never given birth and will not give birth. For turning a simple Mother’s Day message into a political act, Lauren Boebert gets a Twit Award. LGBTQ Nation has this story.
At a recent rally, North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson said, “If you believe a five-year-old should have transgender surgery, I’m sorry, but you are a bad person.” He later added, “When you start talking about clinics allowing five-year-olds to have transgender surgery, that is outrageous, that is abusive. As far as I’m concerned, it should be illegal.” It is not what is happening. No clinics are performing gender-confirmation surgery on five-year-olds. For creating a straw man, and for feeding unrealistic fears in his audience, North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson gets a Twit Award. This story comes from PinkNews.
Laura Les, a transgender woman, is half of the music group 100 Gecs. Her song The Most Wanted Person In The United States, is appearing on Fox News, accompanying a picture of Joe Biden. This did not escape the attention of Them. First off, even limiting to just the two candidates who ran for president in November 2020, Joe Biden is not the one who is “most wanted” in the criminal sense. (He is the most wanted in the political sense, as he would easily win the popular vote against Donald Trump.) Moreover, the lyrics of the song make it clear that the “most wanted person in the United States” is any transgender person. This song is an anthem opposing the politics which Fox News is supporting regarding gender rights. For twisting the song to fit a political agenda which it does not really fit, and for ignoring both its meaning and its origins, Fox News gets a Twit Award.
Category: Transgender Opinion