Trans Spirituality – Memorial Day Edition

Trans Spirituality – Memorial Day Edition

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Transgender people have become disabled veterans in a percentage much higher than the general population. As we enter the Memorial Day weekend, we hold all these national heroes in our hearts, and uplift their spirits to wherever they have gone. There are currently 134,000 trans veterans and 15,000 trans Active-Duty service members. While we sacrifice for our country some people refuse to give us respect.

The post Trans Spirituality – Memorial Day Edition appeared first on Transgender Forum.

Transgender people have become disabled veterans in a percentage much higher than the general population. As we enter the Memorial Day weekend, we hold all these national heroes in our hearts, and uplift their spirits to wherever they have gone. There are currently 134,000 trans veterans and 15,000 trans Active-Duty service members. While we sacrifice for our country some people refuse to give us respect.
The post Trans Spirituality – Memorial Day Edition appeared first on Transgender Forum.Read More

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