Trans News Now 5/9/22

Trans News Now 5/9/22

You are currently viewing Trans News Now 5/9/22
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Welcome to our new transgender news format. The The Week In Trans is no more. We’ve revised it and renamed it Trans News Now. We will continue to bring you important news about transgender related topics but endeavor to do it in a sleeker, easy to read format. Twit Awards will still be with us but will be accessible in another post called Twit Awards for the Week. We hope you find the new news format easier to read and provides the transgender news you want. Use the comment area to let us know how you like it.

The post Trans News Now 5/9/22 appeared first on Transgender Forum.

Welcome to our new transgender news format. The The Week In Trans is no more. We’ve revised it and renamed it Trans News Now. We will continue to bring you important news about transgender related topics but endeavor to do it in a sleeker, easy to read format. Twit Awards will still be with us but will be accessible in another post called Twit Awards for the Week. We hope you find the new news format easier to read and provides the transgender news you want. Use the comment area to let us know how you like it.
The post Trans News Now 5/9/22 appeared first on Transgender Forum.Read More

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