São Paulo International Theatre Festival (MITsp) brings shows and formative activities with LGBT+ themes

São Paulo International Theatre Festival (MITsp) brings shows and formative activities with LGBT+ themes

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MITsp – Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo holds its ninth edition between March 1 and 10, 2024 in thirteen cultural spaces in the city of São Paulo. The program includes nine shows and a diverse schedule of workshops, debates and talks throughout the ten days of the event. The selection of works and activities, which bring necessary provocations about our time, is the responsibility of the actors and playwrights Rafael Steinhauser, Antônio Araújo and Guilherme Marques.

Profético - Photo: Nadia Beugré
Profético – Photo: Nadia Beugré

Among the shows, the following stand out Eunucos by Group Irmãs Brasil, formed by transvestite artists from the Escola Livre de Artes da Maré (RJ), which reflects on the historical processes of castration, transition technologies and gender performances, and Profético (we are born – already) by Ivorian artist Nadia Beugré, who portrays the relationships of black bodies, transsexuality and prejudice in different forms.

As for the formative activities, the festival will have the presence of actress Renata Carvalho in the workshop on transvestite body and voice, as part of the section Pedagogical Actions which aims to investigate new ways of producing and transmitting knowledge through spaces for encounters and reflections on performance art. The activities in this section are free, some by registration, and will take place on March 5, 6 and 7 at Teat(r)o Oficina Uzyna Uzona and at Biblioteca Mário de Andrade.

– BKDR –


And finally, the educator, artist and politician Erica Malunguinho moderates the masterclass with the performer and visual multi-artist Jota Mombaça, who will talk about subjectivations and corporeities as propositions of language and expanded epistemologies, at the Centro Cultural São Paulo, on March 9th. For more information and tickets, visit the festival website.

MITsp – Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo
1 to 10 March 2024
Information and tickets at www.mitsp.org

Irmãs Brasil
São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (SP/RJ), 2019 | 40 mins | Age 18 years
Venue: Mário de Andrade Library
Dates 5 March (5pm) and 6 March (5pm)

Profético (nós já nascemos)
Nadia Beugré
France/Ivory Coast, 2023 | 75 mins | Age 14 years
Venue: Sala Jardel Filho – CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo
Dates 6 March (9pm) and 8 March (7pm)

Workshop – Coexistence: travesti body and voice (With Renata Carvalho and Ymoirá Micall)
5 March (3:30pm – 5pm)
Library Mário de Andrade | Room Consolação, 94 – República, São Paulo – SP.

Masterclass with Jota Mombaça (Mediation Erica Malunguinho)
9 March, from 4pm – 6pm
CCSP – Room Adoniran Barbosa
Vergueiro, 1000 – Liberdade, São Paulo – SP

Other activities from Pedagogical Actions (curation Dodi Leal and Luh Maza)

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