And Beau DeMayo stayed in bed. Help make sure LGBTQ+ stories are being told… We can’t rely on mainstream media to tell our stories. That’s why we don’t lock Queerty articles behind a paywall. Will you support our mission with a contribution today? Cancel anytime · Proudly LGBTQ+ owned and operated source
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Kristi Noem, who destroyed both her political career and all respectability in a failed attempt to be Trump’s #2, seems to be over the criminally convicted 78-year-old. The South Dakota governor recently revealed her favorite president, and it’s not DJT. In fact, it’s not even a conservative. […]

Na última semana, o sobrinho do heptacampeão Michael Schumacher e filho do ex-piloto de Fórmula 1 Ralf Schumacher, David Schumacher, fez declarações polêmicas sobre o relacionamento conturbado com sua mãe, Cora Brinkmann. Em uma postagem nas redes sociais, que foi rapidamente deletada, o jovem piloto detalhou episódios de conflitos familiares e defendeu o pai, que […]

Este artigo também está disponível em: Português Un hito en la historia del fútbol español está a punto de producirse con el debut del Rinos Fútbol Club en un campeonato oficial. El equipo, formado únicamente por miembros de la comunidad LGBTQIA+, tiene su sede en la provincia de Granada y competirá en la Tercera División […]

Image Credit: ‘The Vampire Lovers,’ Scream Factory Welcome back to our queer film retrospective, “A Gay Old Time.” In this week’s column, we continue our Halloween season exploration of how various horror sub-genres reflect the queer experience with 1970’s The Vampire Lovers. This week, we sink our teeth—or rather, our fangs—into the history of vampires, particularly as the embodiment […]

Hi Jake, I’ve been in a long-term relationship with my current boyfriend (FTM) for almost two years and I love him very much. Being with him has helped me grow into the best version of myself. I also find him very attractive and sexy. I have no plans to leave him, and I would never […]

Image Credits: ‘The Apprentice,’ Briarcliff Entertainment (left) | ‘Angels In America, HBO (top right) | ‘Fellow Travelers,’ Showtime (bottom right) This weekend, controversial Donald Trump biopic The Apprentice opens in theaters across the country, despite legal troubles and vocal pushback from the MAGA crowd. The film tells the story of the disgraced former president’s early […]

Este artigo também está disponível em: Português La Cámara de Diputados aprobó, el 24 de abril, un proyecto conocido como «Ley Taylor Swift«. La propuesta prevé un aumento de las penas por delitos de revendedor, con especial atención a la actividad ilegal en plataformas digitales. El proyecto de ley pasará ahora al Senado. La información […]

Em uma recente entrevista, o escritor Bruno Haulfermet apresentou detalhes sobre seu novo livro, “Depois das Cinco“, que narra a história de amor entre Ivana e Dario, dois personagens que vivem realidades temporais opostas. O romance, categorizado como “romantasia” young adult, é publicado pela Buzz Editora e entrelaça romance, fantasia e mistério enquanto aborda temas de […]

Despite walking away from the fashion industry with a final collection that was released with little fanfare last year, Tom Ford is still getting showered with accolades for his trailblazing career. The 63-year-old style superstar and film director is set to receive the Outstanding Achievement Award at this year’s Fashion Awards in London. The honor […]

Jonathan Bailey knows exactly what he’s doing. On Wednesday, the 36-year-old English heartthrob caused a stir channeling his inner leather daddy while supporting It-boy favorite designer brand Loewe. The Spanish luxury fashion house hosted a party to honor the 30th anniversary of Studio Voltaire, a non-profit gallery and artist studios based in London, but it […]

Nesta terça-feira (01), vai ao ar o terceiro episódio da segunda temporada do videocast “O Amor na Influência“, comandado pelos apresentadores Gabriel Santana e Camila Fremder. Desta vez, os convidados Bruno ZL e Leo Safra, conhecidos criadores de conteúdo adulto, juntaram-se aos apresentadores para uma conversa aberta e íntima, que percorreu as histórias pessoas dos […]