Scandal-hit New York Rep. George Santos was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Washington DC Young Republicans group last night.
The 34-year-old was introduced to the stage of The Admiral in DuPont as “The Queen of New York City”.
Rather than draw upon his life experiences to give the audience some salient advice (i.e. don’t tell whopping lies on your résumé), Santos pointed to his life as an example of what one can achieve if one really sets one’s mind to it.
Santos urged them to “never give up. I want to see more of you guys in Washington. I want to sit next to members who are more my age and relate to my struggle.
“You guys need to get up, go back to your home district, run for office. And don’t let anyone tell you it’s not your turn to go to Congress. I didn’t wait until it was my goddamn turn. I’d never served in a single local elected position. I came here. It’s where I wanted to come!”
“Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it, don’t let anyone tell you you won’t do it!” he continued.
He ended his speech by reassuring the cheering audience, “I’m not going anywhere. They’ll have to drag my cold, dead body out of this institution.”
“Radical rainbow mafia”
Lawmakers across the political divide have called upon Santos to resign since news of lies came to light. He is currently facing investigations both into his campaign finances and by the House Ethics Committee. Despite this, he recently announced his plan to stand for re-election in 2024.
Besides vowing to remain in Congress, Santos also reminded everyone yesterday that although he’s gay, he feels little affinity to the LGBTQ+ community.
“I will always stand up to the Radical rainbow mafia!” he tweeted. “I believe in the freedom to live and let live but will never bow to the indoctrination of the Rainbow Mafia. My flag is the AMERICAN FLAG. 🇺🇸”
Among those to praise Santos’ speech to Young Republicans was far-right Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, who simply said: “Based” (slang praise for someone being their unapologetic or un-woke self).
— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) April 27, 2023
However, many others were quick to tell Santos to hush up. This included former state Pennsylvania lawmaker Brian Sims, who tweeted: “Honey, sit down. You’ve stolen every moment you’ve ever had, lied about every accomplishment you’ve ever had, and cheated to gain every position you’ve ever had. Your thoughts on anything related to equality, justice, or performative nationalism are as useful as your filter.”

George, you’re an out gay man railing against other members of the LGBTQ+ community for seemingly no reason. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Resign.
— Concerned Citizens of NY-03 (@CCNY03) April 26, 2023
Who are the gullible fools standing there listening to that compulsive liar? Absolutely pathetic. Each one has no moral compass.
— Chris Zozaski (@sausagecz) April 27, 2023