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During the past week, the American DJ and music producer, Diplo, surprised his fans by sharing a post on Instagram. In the image, Diplo appears from behind, without clothes, on a balcony overlooking the sea. Although the photo is dimly lit, it’s possible to see the silhouette of his buttocks.

In the comments, the followers expressed their opinions about the post. “I can’t say I didn’t zoom in“, said one viewer. “Too bad the statistics can’t show how many people saved this photo to brighten their day“, said another. A bolder fan said: “Don’t be afraid to turn around, daddy“, while another stated that the “person who took this photo (you’re so lucky)“.

This isn’t the first time Diplo has gone viral with a photo of butt. In 2020, the DJ used his social media to encourage fans to vote in that year’s elections. Openly against Trump, Diplo posted a photo of his butt, with the intention of grabbing his followers’ attention, captioned: “Don’t forget to register to vote.”

In 2023, Diplo became a topic again when he stated that he had already received oral from a man, but that he does not consider it “gay”. During a conversation with model Emily Ratajkowski on the “High Low” podcast, about his sexuality, the DJ stated: “I guess the best answer I can give you is that I’m not gay. There are some guys I could date, in terms of a life partner”

Diplo diz que já recebeu sexo oral de um homem, mas não se define como gay
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