Daniel Ribeiro announces ‘Amanda and Caio’, feature film with a cast of 100% of trans people

Daniel Ribeiro announces ‘Amanda and Caio’, feature film with a cast of 100% of trans people

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The shootings of “Amanda and Caio”, the new feature film by Daniel Ribeiro, have started this week. Ribeiro directed the awarded Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho that was also produced by Diana Almeida and Lacuna Filmes. The script is signed by Daniel Ribeiro and Alice Marcone.

“Amanda e Caio”- Promotion

The film tells the story of a trans couple who see their long-term relationship in check when they decide to live together. Caio (Gabriel Lodi), who divides his time between the bureaucratic work at his mother’s bakery and his dream job at a radio station, decides to take a step in search of independence and leave both the bakery and his mother’s house to live his true dream alongside his eternal girlfriend. Meanwhile, Amanda (Alice Marcone), a recent law graduate, starts her first job at a law firm where she has contact with new people and realities, broadening her horizons. During this professional journey, she meets João, a young man who arouses her interest and stirs the feelings that, until that moment, were exclusive to Caio. As Amanda and Caio try to create a home together, they face financial problems, differences of opinion, and external pressures, portraying a journey of love, commitment, and personal discovery. In this new chapter of their lives, they discover that the plans they made together may no longer make sense.

The protagonist couple is performed by Alice Marcone and Gabriel Lodi, with a cast of 100% of trans people. Luca Scarpelli (“Queer Eye Brasil”) is the love target of Amanda while Maite Schneider (“Hard”, “13 Sentimentos”) plays the role of Caio´s mother. The cast also includes Anne Mota (“Alice Júnior”, “Da Ponte Pra Lá”), Leona Jhovs (“Modelo Morto, Modelo Vivo”, “Chuva Negra”, “Brenda Lee e o Palácio das Princesas”), Jhonnã Bao (“Erguida”), Daniel Veiga (“Você Tem Olhos Tristes”, “Lov3”), Clodd Dias (“Manhãs de Setembro”), Olivia Lopes (“Brenda Lee e o Palácio das Princesas”) and Rodolpho Correa (“Raimbow6”).

– BKDR –



Fiction – Drama
Production Lacuna Filmes


As Amanda and Caio try to create a home together, they face financial problems, differences of opinion, and external pressures, portraying a journey of love, commitment and personal discovery. In this new chapter of their lives, they discover that the plans they made together may no longer make sense.

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