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x TRSLyg

Kandi Robbins looks back on her early days of dressing up. Back in the time when she was paranoid that she might be found out, when she would use business trips as an excuse to go to other cities, buy women’s clothing, wear it once and then throw it away. Or when she went ventured out of her hotel room dressed as a female but completely male from the neck up. See if any of her stories sound familiar.

The post Being appeared first on Transgender Forum.

Kandi Robbins looks back on her early days of dressing up. Back in the time when she was paranoid that she might be found out, when she would use business trips as an excuse to go to other cities, buy women’s clothing, wear it once and then throw it away. Or when she went ventured out of her hotel room dressed as a female but completely male from the neck up. See if any of her stories sound familiar.
The post Being appeared first on Transgender Forum.Read More

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