Times Do Change: The 1960s

Times Do Change: The 1960s

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x aLzd

Linda had recently contacted another Linda — who had told her the story of growing up in the 1950s with trans feelings but very little realistic chance to act on those feelings. That is until one fateful Hallowe’en when three of the cool girls at school intervened to help set the other Linda’s life on an unexpected path. Got it? Linda was keen to learn more.

The post Times Do Change: The 1960s appeared first on Transgender Forum.

Linda had recently contacted another Linda — who had told her the story of growing up in the 1950s with trans feelings but very little realistic chance to act on those feelings. That is until one fateful Hallowe’en when three of the cool girls at school intervened to help set the other Linda’s life on an unexpected path. Got it? Linda was keen to learn more.
The post Times Do Change: The 1960s appeared first on Transgender Forum.Read More

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