15 Transgender / Crossdressing Items to Always Keep in Your Purse

15 Transgender / Crossdressing Items to Always Keep in Your Purse

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15 Transgender / Crossdressing Items to Always Keep in Your Purse

Planning to step out en femme? Don’t forget your handbag! More than just a stylish accessory, your purse is a toolbox for your female self.

While a cluttered bag isn’t chic, there are some essentials you shouldn’t be without. You never know what life will throw at you – and a lady is always prepared!

In this blog post, I share 15 transgender / crossdressing items to keep in your purse when you are on the go.

1. Cell phone


Needless to say, you should never leave home without your phone. Besides, you never know when the perfect selfie opportunity will arise! 

2. Lip Gloss or Lipstick

NARS lip gloss

A moisturizing lip gloss or lipstick in your favorite shade is a female essential. 

3. Mints or Gum

Ice Breakers Mints

Freshen your breath on the go by keeping a stash of mints or gum on hand.

4. Nail File

nail files

There’s nothing more annoying than a broken nail, so throw one of these babies into your bag.

5. $20 Cash

20 dollars

Even though most of us rely on credit or debit cards, you never know when you might need some cash.

6. Hand Cream

Neutrogena hand cream

Keep your hands feeling soft and feminine with a tube of hand cream.

7. Blotting Paper or Powder

NYX blotting paper

Reduce shine on the go with blotting paper or pressed powder.

8. Bobby Pins

bobby pins

These come in handy if you need to secure your wig or tame some loose strands of hair.

9. Compact Mirror

compact mirror

A must-have for checking your teeth or makeup.

10. Stain Removal Pen

Tide to go stain remover

The sooner you treat an unexpected stain, the less likely it is to be permanent.

11. Band-Aids

band aids

Not just for cuts and scrapes, a Band-Aid can relieve blisters caused by new shoes.

12. Safety Pins

safety pins

Those can be a lifesaver if you break a strap or pop a button.

13. Emergency Info

emergency ID card

Not to be a downer, but if anything should happen, this could literally save your life.

14. Advil or Tylenol

Advil tablets

Keep a couple painkillers on hand in case you get a surprise headache.

15. Healthy Snack

nuts and spices snack

Hunger can sneak up on you, so keep a healthy snack bar or some nuts in your bag.

What are YOUR purse essentials?

They say you tell a lot about somebody by what she keeps in her purse! Are you a stylish survivalist or do you prefer to travel light?

I’d love to know what YOUR purse essentials are, so please share in the comments below!


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