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In the Brazilian literary scene, a new voice emerges with strength and sensitivity: writer and journalist Marcos Morelli presents his first work of fiction, titled “How Many Wars Can Fit in the Same Heart?”, which is already available for purchase on the Opera Editorial website.

The plot, which delves deeply into the complexities of love and human relationships, revolves around Adriano, the protagonist of the book, who faces a surprising twist in his life. The discovery that Eduardo, his great love from adolescence, is his new neighbor in the apartment in São Paulo, opens old wounds and initiates a whirlwind of emotions. The problem is that now Eduardo is married, complicating this unexpected reconnection even further.
The story of Adriano and Eduardo is not just a common tale of lost and found love, but a profound reflection on the complexities of human relationships. “Since the pre-sale started, many people have approached me to share stories similar to the one in the synopsis. That impressed me. Although it’s fiction, it’s something that can happen to anyone. There’s a reader identification with what is being told,” Morelli reveals.
In addition to its engaging plot, “How Many Wars Can Fit in the Same Heart?” addresses social and emotional issues that deeply resonate with the millennial generation. Marcos Morelli explores themes such as the worship of beauty, the HIV epidemic, social differences, and the role of family, providing a rich and multifaceted narrative that touches the hearts of readers.
The work has been confirmed to participate in the Paraty International Literary Festival (Flip) 2023, one of Brazil’s most prestigious literary events. At Flip, “How Many Wars Can Fit in the Same Heart?” will be featured at Casa Opera Editorial, a space in the historic center of Paraty (RJ) in Brazil, where readers will have the opportunity to engage in profound conversations, attend book launches, and exchange experiences with writers and industry professionals.
Additionally, the work is part of the “Abandonment Trilogy”, a series of three books, each featuring a unique story with different characters, yet all interconnected by the same spiral of mistakes and lessons.
For those who wish to delve into the depths of love and human relationships, “How Many Wars Can Fit in the Same Heart?” is now available for purchase on the Opera Editorial website. A read that promises to touch hearts and leave a lasting impact on readers.

A graduate in journalism, a field in which he has been active for over twenty years, Marcos Morelli has also considered himself a musician and writer from an early age. National and international authors such as Caio Fernando Abreu, Alexandre Vidal Porto, João Silvério Trevisan, Reinaldo Arenas, and Édouard Louis serve as references for his writing, especially in this trilogy.
Currently, Morelli is a student of the Free Writers’ Preparation Course (Clipe) at Casa das Rosas, a public initiative that has been in existence for ten years, selecting candidates annually. He has released two digital books on Amazon. The first, in 2016, was “33”, a book about music, and the second, in 2017, was “Eu Não Tenho as Roupas Adequadas (I Don’t Have the Right Clothes)”. Together, in recent years, they have sold 200 digital copies. He also contributed to printed anthologies by the Portuguese publisher Chiado Books and the Off Flip Seal.
In 2023, there is also the planned release of another fiction, to be announced soon by another publisher, as well as the participation with an original text in a printed anthology of short stories about new legends. The author’s text was selected in a national competition.
“Quantas guerras cabem em um mesmo coração?”
Author: Marcos Morelli
160 pages
R$ 45,00
Available for purchase on the Opera Editorial website: link
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