Channel 4 in Britain aired a documentary called Gender Wars. Rather than focusing on transgender people, this documentary was all about Kathleen Stock, who claims that she has been discriminated against because she opposes civil rights for transgender people. Worse, several of the trans people who appeared on the show appear to have been misinformed of the show’s intent, led to believe that the show was at least even-handed in its treatment of the subject, when in fact the intention all along was to champion the cause of Kathleen Stock. For misleading participants, and for producing a show to praise someone who demonizes others, the producers of Gender Wars get a Twit Award. PinkNews has this story.
The British Library published a story about a fish that can change sex. Although the story does not claim humans can do this, some TERFs complained loudly about the implication that this somehow applies to humans as well. For objecting to the implication that some species far removed from humans can experience something like a transgender moment (even though what is described is far from transgender behavior), those objecting to sharing this biological fact get a Twit Award. This story comes from Them.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is calling on the state Board of Regents to ban drag shows at the state university. Mind you, university students are rarely under 17 years of age. She defends the requested ban on drag, and a related request to avoid “preferred pronouns,” on the grounds of “free speech,” even though what she is proposing is itself an infringement of free speech. For arguing that banning some forms of expression is defending freedom of speech, Governor Kristi Noem gets a Twit Award. This story comes from LGBTQ Nation.
Media Matters For America reports that, over the course of a week, Fox News spent two hours discussing the Pride items at Target, complaining how the company is supporting “pedophiles.” During that same week, the “news” organization spent 22 seconds covering new sexual abuse found in the Catholic Church, something that involves actual pedophilia. Admittedly, there was little new to report about the sexual abuse scandal in the Church that week, but still, the difference in time spent reporting it is startling. For implying a connection between transgender people and pedophilia (with no actual proof) while ignoring the actual sexual abuse of children, Fox News gets a Twit Award.
Category: Transgender Opinion

About the Author (Author Profile)
Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.