Trans News Now 10/10/22

Trans News Now 10/10/22

You are currently viewing Trans News Now 10/10/22

Today we learn that a 15-year-old trans girl is the homecoming princess of her school. Various professional medical organizations have asked the Department of Justice to investigate the people behind threats to hospitals providing gender affirmative care to minors. Oregon is not good about issuing death certificates in the deceased’s true gender. A federal judge rules against the Biden administration’s protecting LGBTQ people in education and employment. While gender-affirming care is still legal for adults is all 50 states lawmakers across the country are starting to consider attacking adult rights. A local TV reporter comes out on the air. Arizona students walk out of class to protest their governor’s anti-trans policies. A transgender officer in the U.S. Army is charged with giving private health records to Russia. Jamie Clayton is Pinhead on Hulu. Reviewers weigh-in on the all-femme version of 1776. Drag Race star Gigi Goode has legally transitioned to female. That’s just a bit of news. Don’t miss out on any of it! Read Trans News Now right now!

The post Trans News Now 10/10/22 appeared first on Transgender Forum.

Today we learn that a 15-year-old trans girl is the homecoming princess of her school. Various professional medical organizations have asked the Department of Justice to investigate the people behind threats to hospitals providing gender affirmative care to minors. Oregon is not good about issuing death certificates in the deceased’s true gender. A federal judge rules against the Biden administration’s protecting LGBTQ people in education and employment. While gender-affirming care is still legal for adults is all 50 states lawmakers across the country are starting to consider attacking adult rights. A local TV reporter comes out on the air. Arizona students walk out of class to protest their governor’s anti-trans policies. A transgender officer in the U.S. Army is charged with giving private health records to Russia. Jamie Clayton is Pinhead on Hulu. Reviewers weigh-in on the all-femme version of 1776. Drag Race star Gigi Goode has legally transitioned to female. That’s just a bit of news. Don’t miss out on any of it! Read Trans News Now right now!
The post Trans News Now 10/10/22 appeared first on Transgender Forum.Read More

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