What’s new? The Ukrainian transgender woman who was afraid she wouldn’t be able to leave has made it safely to Germany. March 31 is Transgender Day of Visibility and some activists want it to be a full week. Republican legislators and governors in many states continue to introduce and pass bills that will harm transgender people. Meanwhile violence against trans women continues. Trans immigrants from Latin America are still running into problems trying to enter the USA. A transgender woman makes history by competing in the Iditarod. Patti Harrison is featured in the new film The Lost City. Jamie Lee Curtis’ transgender daughter is getting married. Find out who was the first trans superhero in comics. J.K. Rowling has an admirer she could do without. A trans Thai model was detained and interrogated by immigration authorities in the UAE before being deported. More than 150 faith leaders from around the world committed to protecting the lives of LGBTQ+ people. There’s all that and more waiting for you in TWIT!
The post The Week In Trans 3/28/22 appeared first on Transgender Forum.
What’s new? The Ukrainian transgender woman who was afraid she wouldn’t be able to leave has made it safely to Germany. March 31 is Transgender Day of Visibility and some activists want it to be a full week. Republican legislators and governors in many states continue to introduce and pass bills that will harm transgender people. Meanwhile violence against trans women continues. Trans immigrants from Latin America are still running into problems trying to enter the USA. A transgender woman makes history by competing in the Iditarod. Patti Harrison is featured in the new film The Lost City. Jamie Lee Curtis’ transgender daughter is getting married. Find out who was the first trans superhero in comics. J.K. Rowling has an admirer she could do without. A trans Thai model was detained and interrogated by immigration authorities in the UAE before being deported. More than 150 faith leaders from around the world committed to protecting the lives of LGBTQ+ people. There’s all that and more waiting for you in TWIT!
The post The Week In Trans 3/28/22 appeared first on Transgender Forum.Read More