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During an interview with the newspaper Extra, the Brazilian actor Rodrigo Simas commented that he feels more relieved having addressed his bisexuality just over a year ago. He revealed that before making his sexual orientation public, he faced questions about the subject, which upset him.

The actor from the Globo (Brazillian TV network) soap opera “Renascer” mentioned that he has been through moments where comments affected himself, but that currently he has the balance not to let it bother him. “The internet is very democratic, but it is also super cruel“, he told Extra.

According to Rodrigo Simas, he has received a lot of support, especially on social media. “People send me messages thanking me for speaking so naturally, which is what should happen. Once you talk about yourself, people no longer have a way to attack. These comments have decreased a lot.”

Invisible sexuality
He also discussed the prejudice faced by bisexual people, highlighting the social stigmas related to the idea of indecision. “I affirm myself in the orientation I have; I’m not sitting on the fence. It took me a while to understand this because my sexuality is very invisible”, he says.

Currently, the actor is seen as an important figure for LGBTQIA+ community. Speaking to the newspaper Extra, Simas shared that he initially didn’t feel like part of the community but that he has since embraced it. He also mentioned that he hadn’t planned to talk about the subject, but when asked, he responded calmly because he feels good about himself. “We live in a society that pressures us in every way. It was much more about how I was finding myself or who I was looking for inside of me. I didn’t know who I was, I was still shaping myself“.
He concludes the interview by showing his pride in being part of the LGBTQIA+ community: “I am very happy and honored to represent and give voice to one of the letters in this acronym. In a way, it’s a relief to be able to be myself, not needing to mold myself to anything“.
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