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She has already asked to throw water because she was get at all, she was bandida with Pabllo Vittar and has shown that she is not obligated to anything because no one controls her ass. Pocah there have been hits that fit perfectly into the lives of a large portion of the community. LGBT+ and this should continue to be one of her premises.

On the last day of the 15th, the funk singer released the EP “A Braba é Ela“, as a first step in a series of releases that are yet to come. In October, a second EP will serve as a warm-up for her new album, scheduled for early 2024.
In a phase obsessed with afrobeat and connected to those who love good music, Pocah she remains immersed in what she loves: music. In an interview with GAY BLOG BR, she talks about her new EP, reminisces about her youth, and shares her perspective on the changing times in Brazilian government.

The new EP talks about her youth in Duque de Caxias in Brazil. How do you perceive the issue of LGBT+ representation back then? Have you always had gay friends? How did you deal with it?
So, in the beginning of my adolescence, I thought I was a lesbian. I felt attraction towards women. My first kiss was with a girl. It was only after I got involved with a boy that I thought, “Oops, I also like men” and I discovered I was bisexual. It was confusing. It wasn’t a time when access to the internet and this kind of information was readily available on phones or through TV. They were different times. It took me a while to understand where I fit in.
In the new album, you recorded with Piso 21. How was it to sing in Spanish? Do you have the desire to record more international feats?
It was a different experience recording in Spanish. At that time, I had just started taking lessons, so my Spanish was pretty bad. So much so that recently I had to go back to the studio and re-record my part, now with better fluency. I do have the desire, yes. Karol G, whom I am a big fan of, follows me on Instagram. It would be a dream to record with her.
Besides funk, what does your EP talk about in terms of representation? How will the LGBT+ community see themselves in it?
So, when I started doing my shows, the first audience to embrace me was the LGBT+ community. I feel like freedom has always been a theme I addressed. Not only sexual freedom but freedom in absolutely every sense. Today, in fact, I make sure that in all my shows, my fans feel safe to be whatever they want to be. I think there was an identification from the LGBT+ audience precisely because of this theme of freedom. and freedom is the subject that is most present in this EP.

How do you see the issue of LGBTQ+ representation in Brazil in 2023, with this change in government?
I think we went from rags to riches, right? I didn’t hide my problems with the previous government at any moment, and the main point was always about human rights. I think we, LGBTQ+ people, women, and Black individuals, feel much more supported and secure in this new government, with ministries that fight for our rights.
How do you see the issue of representation in Brazilian music?
I think we are very well represented. I say that as a Black LGBT woman. I went to The Town for a few days and watched others on TV, and I was struck by the level our artists are delivering in their performances. We had funk shows paying homage to the outskirts, we had Iza with “fire to the racists”, we had Jão with a drone show representing the bisexual flag, we had Pitty with an all-female orchestra, and many other examples of pure artistic representation. Obviously, a festival isn’t an identical reflection of the charts, but I think it’s a step in the right direction. Small singers are occupying more spaces in the music industry.
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