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The opening propaganda of the 29th edition of the MixBrasil Festival was selected for the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, considered one of the most relevant in the area of animation production. With the title “Culture of Present Diversity“, the video is in the selection “Commissioned Films“, with 36 other productions from different countries.

With the creation of Isobar Brasil and direction of Luiz Evandro and Fabio Acorsi, the opening propaganda has 37 seconds and is described by the producer Vetor Zero as “an experience of real time capture and motion graphics, with choreography and diverse aesthetics, far from common places and bringing an analogy of plurality in culture”.
On social media, the producer also said: “Seeing the film of the 29th Mix Brasil festival in the official selection of Annecy reaffirms the importance of the culture of diversity in an incredible and experimental work, we embrace here all the people who participated in it”. The Annecy Festival takes place from June 13 to 18, 2022 in France.
29th MixBrasil Festival
The 29th edition of the MixBrasil Festival took place from November 10th to 21st in hybrid format: part of the programming was online and part was in person in five cultural spaces of the capital of São Paulo: CineSesc, Centro Cultural São Paulo – Sala Lima Barreto, MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo, Teatro Paulo Eiró and Centro Cultural da Diversidade. With all the free programming, in addition to cinema, the festival brought music, literature, conferences and other activities.
Created in 1993, the MixBrasil Festival of Diversity Culture was conceived by André Fischer. From the participation of Brazil in the MIX New York festival, where the journalist was responsible for the selection of Brazilian films, the film department of the Museu da Imagem e Som decided to make an invitation to host the first edition of MixBrasil.
The festival began only with the screening of short films with LGBTQIA+ theme. Currently there are plays, music, literature, conferences and film laboratories. This year MixBrasil holds the 30th edition, which will be held between November 9 and 20.
Title: Cultura da Diversidade Presente
Advertiser: MixBrasil Festival
Product: Institutional
Agency: Isobar Brasil Leader
Creative Service Line: Ana Leão
Creation VP: Danilo Janjacomo
Writing: Leticia Holanda and Alan de Sá
Art Direction: Hannah Prado
Content Director: Vinicius Chagas
Content Manager: Alcides D’Lima
Operations and Business VP: Bruno Panico
Service: Marcella Sousa
Strategy: Aloisio Pinto, Miguel Souza and Julia Schimdt
RTV e Art Buyer: Juliana D’Antino, João Muniz
Technology Consultant: Pedro Gravena
Customer Approval: André Fisher, Tati Nunes
Producer: Vetor Lab
Direction: Luiz Evandro and Fabio Acorsi
Technology Director: Giovani Ferreira
Executive Director: Alberto Lopes
Executive Production: Francisco Puech
Project Director: Marcia Sumie
Service: Marcia Guimarães, Natalia Wandel and Raphael Stanzani
Choreographer: Flora Barros
Producer: Eve Weigel and Gustavo Banevicius
Composition: Fabio Acorsi and Maurício Reis
Cinema 4D: Leandro Beltran and Guilherme Vasca
Audio producer: LOUD+
Production Direction: Gustavo Garbato
Producer: LOUD+ Team
Finishing: LOUD+ Team
Service: Priscila Miranda, Karina Amabile
Coordination: Ingrid Mabelle, Rafael Silvestrini, Lara Fratucelli, Letícia Nunes
Voiceover: Aretha Sadick
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