wp header logo png Ary Fontoura nega relacionamento com ‘boy novinho’

O ator Ary Fontoura, 91 anos, viu-se envolvido em rumores de um suposto namoro com um jovem fã, especulação que ele rapidamente negou. Fontoura esclareceu o mal-entendido, explicando a verdadeira origem desse boato que viralizou no X (antigo Twitter). Ary Fontoura nega relacionamento com ‘boy novinho’ (Foto: reprodução/Instagram/@aryfontoura) Durante uma entrevista concedida ao portal Splash, […]

wp header logo png Twit Awards for the Week 8/26/24

Jack Daniels and Harley-Davidson dropped their DEI programs after backlash from conservatives. For not caring any longer if people get left behind because of their race, gender, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation, Jack Daniels and Harley-Davidson get a Twit Award. The Advocate has this story. An article in Them discusses the trend of […]

wp header logo png At 55, Hugh Jackman is still the king of thirst traps

Hugh Jackman (Photo: Shutterstock) Wolverine star Hugh Jackman has posted a thirsty selfie to his social media. Shot against a mirror, it shows the 55-year-old Australian in peak physical condition. We’re guessing he took it while filming Deadpool & Wolverine.  Getting ripped at any age takes a huge amount of effort. However, building muscle is […]

wp header logo png Latin singer Guaynaa was inspired to join OnlyFans for his gay followers: “I feel comfortable showing myself to the world”

Puerto Rican rapper and singer Guaynaa is not ashamed to flaunt his thirst trap game. The 31-year-old has been a fan of displaying his muscular physique since first rising to fame with the success of his 2019 single “Rebota.” Whether posing in a speedo or getting that shirtless gym pup, Guaynaa – whose real name […]

wp header logo png Un bar organiza una ‘Orgía Benéfica’ para recaudar fondos este sábado

Este artigo também está disponível em: Português Este sábado (27), Dédalos Bar, un sexyclub orientado al público gay, está organizando un evento benéfico a favor del LGBT+ Movimento, una organización no gubernamental (ONG) cuyo objetivo es proporcionar apoyo y una red de afecto a los inmigrantes y refugiados LGBTQIA+. La idea de la «Suruba Beneficente» […]

wp header logo png Ex-BBB Juninho posta primeiro nude frontal em plataforma 18+

Na última segunda-feira (12), o ex-participante do Big Brother Brasil 24, Juninho, ingressou na plataforma de conteúdo adulto, Privacy, e já começou a gerar diversos comentários entre os internautas. Como uma de suas primeiras publicações, o influenciador compartilhou uma foto em que aparece completamente nu, cumprindo com sua promessa de publicações voltadas para a nudez. […]

wp header logo png Letter to the Editor

(Punctuation and spacing tidied up.) Dear  Angela, I’m Miss Donna Watson. I’m located in Springfield, Missouri, Zip code 65803.’     I’m 46 years old and I’m Single  and live alone  by myself in my house here in Springfield, Missouri ‘   I’m a  transgender she Male woman. I’m writing to  let you know that I won’t […]

wp header logo png Troye Sivan is ready to sweat, a new heroic heartthrob emerges & all the new LGBTQ+ releases this week

Culture Catch-Up STILL STANDING: A year after saying “Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road” on his farewell tour, Sir Elton John has shared news of an eye infection that left him partially blend, adding he’s “healing, but it’s an extremely slow process.” [The Daily Beast] VACATION HUSBAND: Queerty favorite comic Joel Kim Booster‘s recent rip to South […]

wp header logo png Noah Galvin and Ben Platt tie the knot with three-day celebration in New York City

Noah Galvin and Ben Platt (Photo: Shutterstock) Actors and singers Ben Platt and Noah Galvin have wed in a ceremony in New York City. Vogue magazine revealed the two 30-year-olds enjoyed a wedding weekend across “Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn.” This included a “Shabbat welcome dinner, a garden ceremony in Red Hook, and an after-party with […]

wp header logo png Flamingos gays adotam e chocam filhote de ovo abandonado

No Zoológico de Paignton, em Devon, Reino Unido, um casal de flamingos chilenos do mesmo sexo, Curtis e Arthur, surpreendeu a equipe ao chocar um ovo abandonado. É a primeira vez que filhotes de flamingo eclodem no zoológico desde 2018. O ovo foi incubado por ambos os flamingos, que são do mesmo sexo, e não […]

wp header logo png About Our Stories

Recently, I learned that Dr. Becky Allison has died. Never met her, but I knew of her and knew of what she’d done for us all. Lynn Conway died a few months ago. Her contributions to the computer and TG worlds are breathtaking. I read somewhere that the average lifespan for transgender women is much […]

wp header logo png Manu Ríos leaves fans ‘Breathless’ with steamy new shirtless pics

With apologies to Eric Dane from Grey’s Anatomy, but Manu Ríos is now officially the new McSteamy. The 25-year-old Spanish hunk has reunited with Elite creator Carlos Montero on the new Netflix medical drama Breathless (Respira in Spanish). Ríos plays Biel, one of the overworked residents at Joaquín Sorolla hospital who must decide whether to continue treating patients during a […]