A transgender bundle has been launched on itch.io to support trans developers. The Transgender Artists Bundle has been put together by non-binary musician sabrina_tvband, whose music is also part of the bundle. The aim is to support trans games developers, with 21 items available in total. The minimum payment is $10, with a goal to […]

Shon Faye has knocked Jordan Peterson off the number one bestseller spot, and we love to see it. The British trans author released her book The Transgender Issue: An Argument For Justice on 2 September. Since its release the book has been met with a huge response, including reaching the number one spot at her […]

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America has installed its first openly trans bishop, Rev Megan Rohrer. Rohrer was installed as a bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod in a lovely service at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral on Saturday (11 September 2021). According to the Independent, they are the first trans person to serve as a […]