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The French president, Emmanuel Macron played with memes that went viral on the internet during his official visit to Brazil. In a post on social media, Macron praised President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and highlighted the importance of his election and his role in restoring institutional balance.
“Your election, dear Lula, and the way you restored institutional balance mean a lot to us. We believe in democracy. We believe in the future and we believe that there is always a path to optimism and progress. We share values that are at the core of our common history”, he affirms.

During the three-day trip, images of the meeting between the presidents went viral on social media. Photos of the leaders holding hands in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest were compared to photo shoots of couples and covers of films such as “Twilight”, “Red, White and Blue Blood” and “Call Me by Your Name“.
Responding to internet users’ comparisons, Macron joked: “Our visit was a marriage. France loves Brazil and Brazil loves France.“
In addition to passing through Belém (PA), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), São Paulo (SP) and Brasília (DF), Macron was introduced to Belém and an island close to the city by Lula, as the place was chosen as the headquarters of the COP30 in 2025.
Algumas pessoas compararam as imagens da minha visita ao Brasil com as de um casamento, e eu digo a elas: foi um casamento ! A França ama o Brasil e o Brasil ama a França !
Obrigado, @LulaOficial e @JanjaLula, obrigado a todos os brasileiros que conheci, pelo acolhimento.…
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) March 28, 2024
Já viram esse?
— Rey (@melodotabaco) March 27, 2024
Lula e Macron parece uma cena de crepúsculo
— 𝙰𝚗𝚗𝚎 𝙱𝚛 📖 (@AnneBrZZ) March 27, 2024
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