Well, it looks like Ivanka Trump Kushner has officially reached the end of the road in her futile attempts to avoid testifying in her dad’s $250 civil fraud trial in New York. Whomp, whomp.
Last week, she asked Judge Arthur Engoron, who has been overseeing the trail, to dismiss the subpoena she received from New York Attorney General Letitia James compelling her testimony. When Engoron declined, she took the request to an appeals court.
The former first daughter tried to argue that she shouldn’t have to testify because she’s a very busy mother of three school-aged children living in Florida and traveling to New York for a court appearance would be hugely inconvenient.
“Ms Trump, who resides in Florida with her three minor children, will suffer undue hardship if a stay is denied and she is required to testify at trial in New York in the middle of a school week, in a case she has already been dismissed from, before her appeal is heard,” her lawyers said in a legal filing on Thursday.
Unfortunately, the appeals court was unmoved by her excuse and issued a short 11-word response to her request late last night: “Application for interim stay pending decision on the motion is denied.”
And with that, the 42-year-old, who served as the executive vice president for development and acquisition at the Trump Organization from 2005 until leaving in 2017 to work in the Trump White House, will now have to take the witness stand next week.
Earlier this week, Ivanka’s cousin, Mary Trump, predicted the eldest Trump daughter would flip on her dad if she’s required to testify.
“She’s just going to tell the truth and throw him under the bus,” she told journalist Molly Jong-Fast, adding that the ex-president would likely “throw [Ivanka] under the bus if he needed to because he doesn’t care about anybody.”
At least the feeling is mutual between the two!
After Ivanka’s appeal was denied yesterday, Mary took to Twitter X to mock her cousin for yet another court loss while also making a jab at her husband, Jared Kushner, and his mysterious $2 billion deal with the Saudis.
“BREAKING: Ivanka’s motion to get out of testifying because it’s ‘during the school week’ was denied,” she wrote. “Jared is available to babysit for the very reasonable price of $2 billion.”
When Ivanka finally testifies next week, she’s going to have LOTS to answer for.
Forbes recently published a lengthy expose about how she allegedly helped her dad inflate the values of his properties and lie about his net worth, as well as exaggerate the size of her family’s properties, increasing the number of acres.
Writer Dan Alexander said the Trumps “had a habit of noting the per-acre price of a smaller parcel and throwing out a puffed-up number of acres, thus leaving the impression that the property must have been more valuable than it actually was.”
Earlier in the trial, it was revealed that a Trump Park Avenue penthouse was valued at two and a half times higher in business records than the price Ivanka was quoted when she was considering buying the apartment. And another, even bigger penthouse was offered to her for about $30 million less than it was valued in business records.
On Wednesday, Donald Trump accused Judge Engoron of persecuting his children, posting to Truth Social: “Leave my children alone, Engoron. You are a disgrace to the legal profession!”
The ex-president is scheduled to testify on Monday. Ivanka will provide the encore performance on Wednesday.