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The florist and owner of Arlene’s Flowers, Barronelle Stutzman, in Richland, USA, will have to pay a compensation of 5,000 dollars for refusing to make flower arrangements for the same-sex marriage between Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed in 2013. The information is from Notícias Ao Minuto.
The justification given by the florist is that she is a Christian, and could not make the flowers, regardless of considering Roberto Ingersoll as a “great friend”.
“I was always delighted to have creative opportunities, and I also loved selling (them) the flower bouquets. But this time, the special event he was celebrating was his marriage to another man. And that’s a line I won’t cross, not even out of friendship”, said Barronelle Stutzman, adding that her attitude is based on the Bible.
“I am a Christian and I believe in the Bible and the Word of God […] I couldn’t take the artistic talents He gave me and use them to contradict and dishonor His word”, justified the florist.
After eight years in court, the Supreme Court found that the florist violated Washington’s anti-discrimination law for her attitude.
With the conviction, Robert and Curt said they will donate the money to the non-governmental organization PFLAG, which helps LGBTQIA+ people in the United States.

Homosexuality in the religious point of view
The relationship between homosexuality and religion varies by religious segment, time and place. There are often disagreements among members of a particular religion about LGBTQIA+, which leads to many debates.
Nowadays, traditional Christianity still considers homosexual behavior as an immoral or sinful practice, which means that if a person has “homosexual desires”, they must renounce them in order to have a life closer to God. Feeling the desire would not be the sin, but having sex would be. However, there are several more progressive currents that contest this view, saying that the person cannot be condemned as a sinner for something that is inherent to him.
Within Judaism there is also no consensus, but reformist rabbi Michel Schlesinger endorses the discourse of progressive Christians, manifesting himself on RedeTV’s SuperPop! arguing that if a person is born a homosexual, you cannot condemn him as a sinner.
“I cannot condemn a person as a sinner if he is short, or if he is too tall. Even if he have brown eyes or blue eyes. In the same way, if a person is homosexual, we cannot talk about sin,” he said.
Chico Xavier, from Spiritism, said in 1971 on the Pinga Fogo program on the now extinct TV Tupi that homosexuality and bisexuality are conditions of the human soul and should not be “seen as amazing phenomena” nor attacked by the “ridiculous society that enjoys a so-called normal sexuality” and, therefore, these people should not be “sentenced to the darkness”.
Within the Spiritist Doctrine it is understood that the human spirit does not have sex. Indoctrinator José B. de Campos preaches that the most important issue regarding homosexuality is promiscuity, advising a homosexual to have a partner and establish a home. The medium Divaldo Franco also alleges that the homosexual, as well as the heterosexual, will be judged according to moral conduct, regardless of sexuality.
Candomblé, on the other hand, has always welcomed homosexuals and the condition has never been an obstacle for people to become priests or have any difficulties within the hierarchical structure.
For Buddhism, homosexuality is just “another way of existing”, not being a non-virtuous action (equivalent to the sin of Christians) since the person is not harming anyone. For this same reason, they welcome all LGBTQIA+ segments, as they believe that virtue or non-virtue happens with the intention of their actions.
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