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With a career spanning over two decades, Fabrício Pietro, 44, is a name that resonates significantly in theater, TV, and film. With a trajectory marked by intense performances and a distinctive stage presence, Pietro is not just an actor; he is a craftsman of human emotion. In a professional journey that includes 18 theater productions and various television projects, the artist stands out for his versatility and the courage to embrace his identity in an ever-evolving field.

Originally from Muzambinho in Minas Gerais , Brazil, Pietro decided to become an actor at 22, after a stint in Australia that turned his academic plans upside down. “I had abandoned my academic plans and put away my diploma as a Building Technician. I started dating an actor and was immersed in the television arts scene through my relationship with him. While participating in acting workshops, I was unexpectedly invited by the General Director of Drama at SBT, David Grimberg, to audition for the channel’s next soap opera. Unexpectedly, I got the role of Ivan. It was a challenging start, as I had little idea of what I was doing there. I was embarrassed to talk to more experienced actors and avoided waiting rooms, preferring to wait on the fire escape. However, with ease and cleverness for empirical learning, I managed to turn things around. Being a good actor became a challenge and a goal, and thus, I began my journey in the performing arts and never stopped”, Fabrício tells GAY BLOG BR.
Fabrício’s creative process is meticulous and immersive. He finds inspiration in the life and work of the authors of the plays he performs: “In theater, I find inspiration in the biographies of the authors of the plays I work on. They often infuse a lot of themselves into their works, which fascinates me to discover and explore. This process helps to understand the choices of paths or the personality of the characters. In-depth research allows the actor’s perspective to go beyond the rehearsal room, finding parallels in everyday life. Artistically, my muse since the 90s has been Madonna. Her creativity, discipline, stage mastery, content, and stage faith are captivating qualities that continue to influence me deeply.”
Challenges and Achievements
Fabrício’s sexual orientation has significantly influenced his career, and he views it both positively and negatively. “My sexual orientation has positively influenced productions committed to LGBTQ+ issues, prioritizing actors from the community. My first play had an LGBTQ+ theme, and the director insisted that the actors be gay. Recently, productions like ‘The Boys in the Band’ and “Perfect Endings” (’13 Sentimentos’) followed the same principle. However, the biggest challenge is being gay in a country with a predominantly homophobic mindset, including in the artistic field. Nothing was simple or easy; I had to navigate a lot, create strategies, swallow my pride, and build my own path. Being alive is a great victory for an LGBTQ+ person in a country where one of us is murdered every day” , reflects.

“Playing Hank in “The Boys in the Band” was a milestone in Fabrício’s career. “Hank became a passion. I admire his journey and stance. He brings complete self-acceptance to his speech. After coming to terms with his gay nature and getting a divorce, Hank dedicated himself to being happy and loving. His normative behavior charmingly contrasted with the joy and pleasure he showed as he explored this new world”, he explains.
When asked about the similarities between his personal life and his character in “Perfect Endings” (’13 Sentimentos’), who is non-monogamous and exhibitionistic, Pietro reveals with good humor: “Hank and Alexandre from ’13 Sentimentos’ (Marmiteiro 48) approach monogamy in ways I had never considered. I have always been monogamous, but I started to reflect more on the topic. I don’t know if or when I will experience this. As for exhibitionism, the answer is obvious—just check my Instagram (laughs)”.

Evolution and Hopes for LGBTQ+ Representation
In 21 years of his career, Fabrício has witnessed significant evolution in LGBTQ+ representation in Brazilian television and theater. Regarding perspectives on media representation, the actor commented: “I would like to see a future where diversity is fully integrated, without the need for labels or acronyms. When basic rights are achieved, our acronym can rest in the museum, reminding us of our struggle for equality. The industry needs to advance to a point where it is not unusual to see a trans man auditioning for a romantic lead opposite a famous actress or a cisgender actor queer as protagonists in complex roles. Casting directors should be bolder and seek non-obvious choices.”
For young LGBTQ+ actors starting their careers, Fabrício offers practical and inspiring guidance. “Don’t let yourselves be defeated by victimhood. Our strength lies in collective mobilization. When facing difficulties, seek support among your peers, exchange information, and create support networks. Value the community’s history of struggle and learn from those with more experience. Never stay in toxic environments for the sake of work, and report homophobia”, he advises.

New Projects
Regarding his upcoming projects, Fabrício is excited about an unpublished script by Sérgio Roveri, based on his own storyline. “I received an unpublished script from Sérgio Roveri, commissioned from a storyline I’ve been carrying for years. The play addresses LGBTQ+ love and the joy of finding our place in the world. At the same time, I am always on the lookout for new projects and opportunities as an actor.”
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