Trans social media star Dylan Mulvaney has returned to TikTok for the first time in three weeks. It’s the first time she has posted anything since the huge backlash against her paid promotion with Bud Light.
The iconic beer brand has seen a slump in sales amid a right-wing boycott. Other brands associated with Mulvaney, such as Nike and Maybelline, have also come in for criticism.
Mulvaney’s profile steadily rose over her ‘365 Days of Girlhood’ TikTok series, covering her transition.
She begins her latest video noting it’s “Day 9,610 of being a human. And I’m going to try and leave gender out of this as that’s how we found ourselves here.
@dylanmulvaney Love ya ❤️❤️
“I’ve been offline for a few weeks and a lot has been said about me, some of which is so far from my truth that I was hearing my name, and I didn’t even know who they were talking about sometimes. And it was so loud, I didn’t feel part of the conversation. So I decided to take the back seat and just let them tucker themselves out.
“But then I remembered that nearly 13 million people at some point enjoyed me enough to hit the follow button on these apps, and I was like wait wait wait. I wanna talk to those people.”
She said, “I’m doing okay. I’m trying this new thing where I don’t pressure myself to share anything before I’m ready.”
“Over the top”
Mulvaney says she’s been criticized since childhood for being “too feminine” and “over the top”. Now aged 26, she’s hearing all the same criticism, but now it comes from other adults.
“If they’re gonna accuse me of anything, it should be that I’m a theater person and that I’m camp, but this is just my personality and it always has been.
Mulvaney went on to say, “What I’m struggling with most is that I grew up in a conservative family, and I’m extremely privileged because they still love me very much. And I grew up in the church, and I still have my faith, which I am really trying to hold onto right now. But I’ve always tried to love everyone, you know, even the people who make it really, really hard. And I think it’s okay to be frustrated with someone or confused, but what I’m struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize and to be cruel. I just, I don’t think that’s right.
“Dehumanization has never fixed anything in history, ever.
“I’m embarrassed to even tell you this, but I was nervous that you were going to start believing those things that they were saying about me, since it is so loud. But I’m just going to go ahead and trust that the people who know me and my heart won’t listen to that noise.
“What I’m interested in is getting back to making people laugh and to never stop learning. And going forward, I wanna share parts of me on here that have nothing to do with my identity. And I’m hoping those parts will still be exciting to you and will be enough.”
She concluded, “To those of you who support me and choose to see my humanity even if you don’t fully understand or relate to me: thank you.”
The internet reacts with love
Mulvaney’s video has had over 1 million likes in less than 12 hours. Many of Mulvaney’s followers welcomed her return and praised her message.
“Plz don’t dim your light just because someone can’t handle ur glitter n shine,” was one well-liked reply.
It’s also gone viral on Twitter. Here are some of the comments.
whether or not people find her over the top or annoying, it’s undeniable that she’s genuinely someone who’s kind & loves spreading positivity.. it’s extremely upsetting that she has to go through this, but I know it’ll only make people love her even more in the end
— alexa ts (@alexa_tsx) April 28, 2023
I truthfully admire those that can handle everything with grace. I am flippant, arrogant, and pushy. She’s an absolute lady and I adore her.
— Adrian L. Felix (@AFelixMedia) April 28, 2023
You know sure at times she has cringe moments but honestly I can’t see why there’s such targeted hate? I think it’s bc she’s just so happy being herself it makes them want to hate her more? I think she’s sweet just moments of cringe lol but it’s ok we all have those.
— 🌼Miss Savage 🌼 (@crashchannel27) April 28, 2023
Ugh I adore her so much I wish we could just shield her from all the bigots I really hope she sees the outpouring of love as well
— Fizzy 🍬 (@BottledFizz) April 28, 2023
She seems perfectly lovely. No wonder the New Klux Klan hates her.
— Libtart666 (@ElleAbismo) April 28, 2023
This is the first video my mom ever saw of Dylan and she said “*gasp* she’s so pretty” and then proceeded to watch and said “she’s so nice” like I truly do not understand how you can hate this woman.
— 🍄🌞Kai (Taylor’s Version) (@kasiafields) April 28, 2023