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Hellena Malditta (23), a drag queen from Bahia and a contestant on the Drag Race Brasil, aired on MTV, moved the participants of the reality show with an extremely sensitive issue about her life. The artist tearfully revealed that she lives with HIV, sharing her journey of acceptance and overcoming the challenges she has faced since the diagnosis.
“The drag is also my armor. I started doing drag at the age of 17, when I, finally, ‘went wild,’ being with multiple people and contracting HIV. I am a person living with HIV”, Hellena declared in the episode aired last 13th.

The artist also recounted the reactions of some people when they learned about her diagnosis: “So, in addition to saying that I’m a feminine person, I had long hair… So, people already saw me on the app: ‘Oh, very feminine’, so I was already dismissed. When I started saying ‘I’m a drag queen’ and it came to the point of saying that I am HIV-positive… lots of blocks, lots of harsh words.”
Following this, the drag queen received a collective hug and sincere support from her fellow drag queens. On social media, Hellena shared the video of the courageous moment through her Instagram account, accompanied by the following caption: “Drag Race Brasil making me cry in the third episode. It’s a mix of emotions and freedom that only those who live it knows. This is a sensitive topic for me, but it’s also a public health issue, and we need to spread awareness. Thank you for all the love you’re sending me.”
Watch the clip posted by Hellena:
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