Angela Gardner posts new content to TGForum with the most amazing consistency. Every week, it seems to pop up like clockwork at exactly midnight, Eastern time. Having edited two magazines and a number of newsletters, that impresses me!
TGForum readers might have noted last week’s addition appeared a little later than usual. That’s because Angela and her friend spent Sunday driving from Provincetown, on the tip of Cape Cod in Massachusetts, to Pennsylvania. Even editors with clocklike skills must rest!
The honor presented to Angela was the Transgender Pioneer Award. Conceived in 2001 and first given in 2002, the Pioneer Award is given annually during Transgender Week by the nonprofit International Transgender Education Organization for lifelong achievement by leaders and activists who have given and given of themselves, sometimes to the detriment of their careers, fortunes, and relationships. Angela certainly met our criteria—she has been working selflessly on behalf of the transgender community since the late 1980s. She is a heroine to many, including me; the award was hard-earned and richly deserved.
Angela joins a growing list of transgender legends. Here are the previous years’ awardees:
- Jude Patton (2022)
- Rupert Raj (2022)
- Reverend Moonhawk River Stone (2021)
- Marisa Richmond, Ph.D. (2019)
- Aaron H. Devor, Ph.D. (2018)
- Gwendolyn Ann Smith (2017)
- Martine Rothblatt (2017)
- Jennifer Finney Boylan (2016)
- Monica Roberts (2015)
- Jamison Green (2014)
- Mariette Pathy Allen (2013)
- JoAnn Roberts (2013)
- Yvonne Cook-Riley (2013)
- Mara Keisling (2012)
- Monica Helms (2011)
- Sandra Cole (2011)
- Ethan St. Pierre (2010)
- Dallas Denny (2009)
- Alison and Dottie Laing (2008)
- Stephen Whittle (2007)
- Holly Boswell (2006)
- Joanne Law (2005)
- Nancy Nangeroni (2005)
- Sister Mary Elizabeth / Joanna Clark (2004)
- Judy Osborne (2004)
- Phyllis Randolph Frye (2003)
- Ariadne Kane (2003)
- Merissa Sherrill Lynn (2002)
- Virginia Prince, Ph.D. (2002)
Our thanks to Angela for agreeing to travel to Provincetown to receive her award.
Category: Transgender Community News

About the Author (Author Profile)
Much of Dallas’ work is available on her website.
Dallas Denny is a writer, activist, and educator. She holds a M.A. and was licensed to practice psychology for many years. She retired her license after relocating to Georgia. Dallas founded and was for eight years Executive Director of the American Educational Gender Education Service. She started the Atlanta Gender Explorations support group in 1990. She was part of the group that started the Southern Comfort conference and did programming for the conference. She has long been involved with Fantasia Fair, where she was Director for six years. Dallas was editor of the journal “Chrysalis” from 1990-1998 and “Transgender Tapestry” from 2000-2006. She has three published three books and many book chapters and journal and magazine articles. Dallas holds a number of honors, including IFGE’s Trinity and Virginia Prince Lifetime Achievement Awards and Real Life Experience’s Transgender Pioneer Award.