Twit Awards for the Week 9/18/23

Twit Awards for the Week 9/18/23

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Luka Hein has filed a suit against the Nebraska Medical Center, for giving her a double mastectomy at her own request, when she was 16. She now regrets the decision, yet she blames the doctors for accepting what she told her, and social media for influencing her decision. For refusing to accept responsibility for her own actions, and for misinformation within the lawsuit (which seems to treat Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria as a reality, and also seems to feel that desisting is much more prevalent than it is), Luka Hein gets a Twit Award. Newsweek has this story.

YouTube seems to have resumed paying Matt Walsh significant money for his far-right commentary on videos. The money was withheld, for violation of their policies which included misgendering and deadnameing transgender people. Media Matters reports that his revenue streams have been restored, although the platform refused to confirm that. If the platform has indeed restored Matt Walsh’s funding, YouTube gets a Twit Award. This story comes from The Advocate.

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Category: Transgender Opinion


About the Author ()

Every week Cecilia Barzyk diligently scans the internet to assemble as much trans-related information from the weekly news as possible.


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