A Sabrina Symington Cartoon: Archaeology

A Sabrina Symington Cartoon: Archaeology

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Archaeologists study the past by examining the burial places of people who lived long ago. Skeletal differences are a part if what allows identification of the deceased’s gender. Taken with other factors the archeologist can make a good guess regarding gender presentation. But some people, mostly haters, don’t understand the science. Today one of them makes a firm pronouncement to Bria on how future archaeologists will learn what he believes about her is true.

The post A Sabrina Symington Cartoon: Archaeology appeared first on Transgender Forum.

Archaeologists study the past by examining the burial places of people who lived long ago. Skeletal differences are a part if what allows identification of the deceased’s gender. Taken with other factors the archeologist can make a good guess regarding gender presentation. But some people, mostly haters, don’t understand the science. Today one of them makes a firm pronouncement to Bria on how future archaeologists will learn what he believes about her is true.
The post A Sabrina Symington Cartoon: Archaeology appeared first on Transgender Forum.Read More

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