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On Saturday (31st), Brazilian actor Marco Pigossi and Italian filmmaker Marco Calvani celebrated their wedding in a private ceremony in Tuscany, Italy. The couple had already had a civil union at the end of last year in São Paulo but chose to have a more intimate celebration in the Italian region.
The two wore light suits and were barefoot during the event, according to a video shared by the portal Hugo Gloss on Instagram this Sunday (01). The footage shows the guests warmly welcoming the couple. Check it out:
The relationship began from work
Pigossi and Calvani have been together since 2021, publicly acknowledging their relationship on Thanksgiving in the United States, where both are also working on joint projects. On that occasion, Pigossi shared a photo on social media of the two holding hands on the beach, with the caption: “Shocking a total of zero people”.
In an interview with the newspaper O Globo, Pigossi discussed the reaction to his relationship and how it has impacted his life. “It was quite surprisingly positive for me. Many people send me messages, citing me as an inspiration. “, the actor reported.

He also expressed his desire to continue using his visibility to support the LGBTQIA+ community. “I intend to keep, whenever possible, giving visibility and a voice to this cause and to the people on the front lines working to improve the lives of the community”, Pigossi stated.
He also highlighted the importance of leaving Brazil to better get to know himself. “I think the fact that I left Brazil was crucial in this regard. When you step away, you can see things from a different perspective. It was a very beautiful process. I received tremendous support, almost unanimous “, he shared.

In the same interview, the actor also commented on LGBTQIA+ representation in Brazilian audiovisual media. “We’ve evolved a lot in this regard. Today, we see 9 PM soap opera protagonists who are gay. Recently, there was a gay kiss scene on Globo during prime time (Kelvin and Ramiro in ‘Terra e Paixão’). I think the mindset that if an actor is gay in their personal life, they won’t be convincing in the role of a heterosexual protagonist, for example, is over. We now have wonderful gay actors representing and occupying space ”, he commented.
Marco Pigossi formalizou união com Marco Calvani e pensa em casamento: ‘Estamos bem felizes’
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