Boomer Banks’ bottle, Paul Telfer’s smile & Steven Kelly’s sunscreen

Boomer Banks’ bottle, Paul Telfer’s smile & Steven Kelly’s sunscreen

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This week Grindr toyed with “AI boyfriends,” Whoopi cracked a gay joke at Lindsey Graham’s expense, and Don Lemon got married in New York City. Here’s what happened on Instagram:

Jaidus soaked up the sun.

Maverick McConnell fell out of bed.

Jeff Zwally worked out hard.

Paul Telfer posed for Playgirl.

Isai Ortiz got speedo-ready!

Nick Floyd took a bath.

Rob Scott Wilson had coffee.

Rebal D hit the playground.

Fran Tomas stood in the ocean.

Jake Williamson swung weights.

Dallas Steele had a successful Sunday Funday.

Miles Heizer came closer.

Matty Carrington had a seat.

Boomer Banks stayed hydrated.

Steven Kelly took a break.

Luke Truong hogged the mirror.

Karl Schmid woke up in Mumbai.

Stephen Lomas watched the eclipse.

Dominick Whelton went for a run.

Jozea Flores flexed.

Bruno Damásio wore pink.

Sam Gee worked from home.

And Nathan Nuyts stayed in bed.


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